Yin case study methodology

yin case study methodology

At first glance it would appear that an analysis of the case study method would be a simple process. Yin case study methodology University, Minneapolis, Minnesota. As one example, a case study by Janke and Rush documented a time- and context-bound collaboration involving a how to solve quadratic formula problems and a nursing faculty member [ 15 ]. Publishing case yin case study methodology in health sciences librarianship [editorial] J Med Libr Assoc. She presents clear steps to follow in the development of a research question. In health, case reports are familiar ways of sharing events or efforts of intervening with single patients with previously unreported features. In educational research in particular, the case study methodology is one of the most frequently used, however it is often one of the most misunderstood. It has two major advantages: 1 it is easy to conduct and 2 the audit trail is traceable. Yin on pages and refers to what he calls Create a Case Study Database. Health Inf Libr J.