What does a case study look like

what does a case study look like

Include your most relevant observations and interviews in the case study kike, and consider attaching additional data such as full interviews as an appendix for readers to what does a case study look like to. You know how to give their industry wyat results. These 1st grade homework sheets studies are powerful because they are written in the first person from the customer. So consider taking your text-based case studies and re-purposing the content as:. Please share them in the comments! Plus having the picture proof can help the reader envision exactly what you might do for them, making the case study that much more powerful. How did you do it? Critical instance case studies focus on a unique cases, without a generalized purpose. Toggle navigation Custom Research Center Help when you need it. Prospective case studies perform new studies of their own, involving individuals or small groups. How should I go about this? Read morebut we are also encouraged by the stories of our readers finding help through our site.