Research paper title page format
Ken February 18,am. Writing a research paper, especially its title page, is like writing any other paper. If you are dealing with something related to the humanities or liberal arts in your research, papeg are most likely to run into the MLA Modern Language Association format. Research paper title page format Humboldt When business plan introduction sample authors have different research paper title page format, use superscript numerals reseadch author names to connect the names to the appropriate affiliation s. Months may be spelled out or abbreviated. In general, leave one space between words and one space after every comma, semi-colon, or colon. Just find new words to say it and link all your points to it. If you are checking a printout and find a mistake, reopen the document, make the appropriate revisions, and reprint the corrected page or pages. Center the instructor name on the next double-spaced line after the course number and name. The title page is the first page of your psychology paper. A table is usually labeled Tablegiven an arabic numeral, and titled. Pages of a printed research paper may get misplaced or lost if they are left unattached or merely folded down at a corner. What are your concerns?