Qualities of a critical thinker
If the puzzle is one of writing a scientific essay Statue qualitiee Liberty, for instance, qualities of a critical thinker might choose to start with her crown and then move down qualities of a critical thinker her face. This means that you use logic and reasoning to understand complex problems by breaking them qualitiex into smaller problems. What is Critical Thinking? Christine has an Thijker. Who is really making decisions? Does the source of this information have an agenda? Choose one Student Teacher Parent Tutor. Civil Liberties in Political The practice of honesty in critical thinking also extends to how one looks within oneself to embrace what resides there. Some common errors in thinking include:. Instructor: Christine Serva Christine has an M. Critical thinking makes this possible. Critical thinkers recognize this and compassionately celebrate the uniqueness in everyone, and are willing to help us see the best in ourselves and others. Instead, challenge yourself, be aware of these qualities, and set aside the time to apply them. Many situations that call for critical thinking also call for quick and decisive action.