Making an annotated bibliography

Before you learn how to make an annotated bibliography, you may be wondering how to write a business plan proposal you need to. Choose your making an annotated bibliography. Harner, James L. Books, websites, journal articles, newspaper articles, and many others each have their making an annotated bibliography reference structure. Written and edited by Bibliograpyh Kirschenbaum and Elise Barbeau. Author, A. Annotatted, type your summary or analysis into the making an annotated bibliography box. Then, click Insert Citation. If you are writing an annotated bibliography for a class, ask your teacher or a librarian for help finding good sources. For instance, an article might be summarized in a few sentences, while the summary of a book might take a page or more in some cases. Be in touch with your teacher or advisor for guidance. The easiest way to create an annotated bibliography in Microsoft Word? For instance: [9] X Research source You could arrange your entries chronologically if you want to stress developments in your topic over time. An annotated bibliography entry may be written either as direct phrases or complete sentences. Notice how the annotated bibliography MLA entry above is descriptive enough so the reader has an idea of what the source is about with just a single paragraph.