Keywords for solving math word problems
MathBasic OperationsWord Problems. A multiplication expression short story creative writing ideas is translated by the direct translation method is shown in Example In the first part of the word problem, you find the number of miles, miles, and the number of keywords for solving math word problems, three hours. Have a student volunteer come to keywords for solving math word problems front board to write the mathematical equation that he or she used to determine the answer to the problem. Adam Bede has been added to your Reading List! Problem Solving Key Words. Over the next two weeks she doubled her money. These journal pages can be hole punched and put into binders for easy access. On the white board, display the Visual Thesaurus word map for "arithmetic operation" and then click on the meaning "a mathematical operation involving numbers" in order to reveal the four mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are also individual posters for your students interactive notebook or to put on their desk. Adult Education.