Help solving math word problems

Students want to quickly work through their math problems, which often help solving math word problems that they make careless mistakes or struggle to understand what the problem is asking them to solve. Homepage Pre-algebra lessons Algebra lessons Geometry lessons Free math problem help solving math word problems. There are a the road not taken essay things that you can do at home to help your child grow more comfortable with word problems. Back to top of page. Encouraging your child to take the time to plan and organize their thinking by dissecting word problems helps them identify the details and operations required to solve. Have them organize their thinking by marking problems with highlighters and work on keyword recognition. The planning process is incredibly important. While you can take the time to create your own word problems, there are online and digital tutoring programslike Thinkster Math, that ensure your child is exposed to many different types of logical reasoning and critical thinking problems. It covers the different types of addition and subtraction situations that students especially around 1st Grade might encounter. Let me take a look Basic math formulas Algebra word problems.