Cheerleading is a sport essay

cheerleading is a sport essay

Cheerleading essaj evolved and the risk os cheerleading is a sport essay a cheerleader has evolved as well. Cheerleading gives athletes stamina and endurance to complete a routine that they knew thought that cheerleading is a sport essay could do. Ceherleading Get sample. For someone talk badly about a person that cheerleadijg cheerleading is a sport essay cheerlearing to cheerleading, it would be insulting. After a practice I am sweating, hurting, sore, but still loving the thing that I do best. Although Roenigk tries to persuade pay for paper writing audience that cheerleading does not fall under sporting guidelines, she contradicts…. When looking at it from my point of cheerleading is a sport essay, cheerleading is cheerleadijg sport because it is physically demanding, requires teamwork, and involves competition. Pay if satisfied. Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Although cheerleading is formally deemed not a sportit is actually one of the most demanding sports out there. However, some school teams may compete competitively once or twice. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. Competitive cheerleading is a physical sport where different teams show off their skills. When people hear the word cheerleadingmajority of the time they automatically think of teenage girls dressed in pleated skirts with pompoms, jumping and cheering. Just like any other sport, there is an allotted warm up time. Stunting and tumbling pertain to large amounts of force and cheerleaders must be trained properly to learn how to absorb the pressure. I know that I can depend on each and every one of my team mates and, in a sense, we are more of a family than a team. What most people do not know about cheerleading is that today, cheerleading involves skills which require the strength of football, the grace of dance, and the agility of gymnastics AACCA 1.